Saturday, February 27, 2010

open our eyes



biasanya..setiap pagi di SMKAKL(smk agama kuala lumpur) sekolah tu akan 'menyanyi'..hoho bunyi menakutkan en..bukan lah sekolah tu yg nyanyi..ada pengawas bukak lagu..supaya org yg datang awal sekolah tak lah rasa boring sangat..dari tahun lepas lagi..biasanya lagu nowseeheart yg banyak..tetapi..satu pagi terdengar satu lagu ni..baru rasanya..tak tahu lah..tapi penyanyi nya nama dia Maher Zain..pernah dengar?

ni lah dia.. diketahui melalui tayangan BADAR sabtu hari tu..sangat menyedarkan..
tapi benda ni akan jadi panjang sikit la..benda baik tak salah kan?

lets translate..supaya lebih faham dan sampai message nya,ok?

Open Your Eyes - Maher Zain.

"verily, in all these there are messages indeed for those who can read the signs" - Al Hijr 15:75

"my Lord, endow me with knowledge and wisdom and join me with the righteous..."

look around yourselves can't you see this wonder
spreading from the view the clouds floating by
the skies so clear and blue planets in the orbits
the moon and the sun such perfect harmony

lets start question in ourselves
isn't this proof enough for us
or are we so blind to push it all aside?

we just have to open our eyes our hearts our minds
if we just look bright to see the signs
we can't keep hiding from the truth
let it take us by surprise
take us in the best way guide us every single day
keep us close to you untill the end of time

(when the light of Islam shines into Ruben @ Abu Bakr's heart...subhanallah)

look inside yourselves such a perfect order
hiding in yourselves, running in your veins
what about anger, alove and pain?
ang all the things you're feeling
can you touch them with your hands?
so are they really there?

lets start question in ourselves
isn't this proof enough for us
or are we so blind to push it all aside? No..

we just have to open our eyes our hearts our minds
if we just look bright to see the signs
we can't keep hiding from the truth
let it take us by surprise
take us in the best way guide us every single day
keep us close to you untill the end of time..

when a baby's born so helpless and weak
and you're watching him growing
so why deny what's in front of your eyes
the biggest miracle of life

"surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth,and in the alternation of night and day, there are signs for people of understanding" - Ali Imran : 190

"those who remember Allah while standing, sitting on their backs and reflect the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying : 'our Lord! You have not created this in vain. glory to You! save us then, from the chastisement of the Fire." - Ali Imran :191

( Al An'am : 59)

Allah you created everything
we belong to you
Ya Robb we raise our hands
forever we thank you

( Al Ankabut : 49)


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